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RSPCA NSW cares for abandoned, neglected, sick and surrendered animals across the state.

CCD POP UP 2024 – Popup Migrated from Unbounce

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; New South Wales (RSPCA NSW) is a not-for-profit organisation in Australia that cares for, treats, protects and rehomes animals across the state. As a charity, we strive to ensure that no animal is turned away or forgotten, regardless of whether they are abandoned, neglected, injured or surrendered into our care. With an ultimate goal of improving animal welfare education and keeping people and animals together, RSPCA NSW acknowledges the crucial role of humans in keeping our animals safe.

We run five shelters, two rehabilitation centres and three veterinary hospitals dedicated to treating, rehabilitating and rehoming animals. In addition to this, there are over 20 volunteer branches and support groups that run fundraising events and assist with local microchipping and desexing drives in lower income communities. Along with cats and dogs, RSPCA NSW helps a wide range of other animals, from horses to rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, goats and sheep.

We not only serve animals in need, but also owners who require guidance and support. Our programs tackle animal education and assistance in relation to domestic violence, aged care, homelessness, mental health, and more.

Our Inspectorate is the largest animal enforcement unit in the state, with over 30 inspectors dedicated to investigating instances of alleged animal cruelty and a call centre equipped to handle reports.

Animals deserve our protection and respect – they make our lives full and remind us what it means to live humanely.

What We Do


Shelters & Adoption Centres

Our shelters and Adoption Centres provide the best possible care to neglected, unwanted, sick or injured animals.


Veterinary Hospitals

We provide medical care to homeless, injured and sick shelter animals, as well as to privately-owned pets.


Community Outreach

We assist with the care of animals owned by the homeless, elderly, socially isolated and people experiencing domestic violence.


Animal Welfare

We have Australia’s largest squad of law enforcement officers dedicated to preventing animal cruelty and promoting protection.



Education is pivotal to RSPCA NSW’s vision of preventing cruelty to animals.


Branches and Support Teams

Our volunteer branches play a vital role in foster care, rehoming, desexing programs and fundraising initiatives.


Our mission is to protect and care for animals by preventing cruelty and empowering communities to value humane treatment through education, advocacy, and support.

RSPCA NSW is a non-government organisation. As a charity, we rely on donations from our wonderful partners and supporters. 

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Work With Us

If you care about animals, consider turning your passion into a career. 

cta volunteer

Become a Volunteer

You can lend a hand in many ways, from walking dogs to joining fundraising events.

Become a monthly donor and transform the lives of animals in need today.