cat lovers

Cat Lovers

Find out how to give your cat a long, happy life…

Life is better with a cat, and what’s even better is when they are safe at home because we all want our feline friends to live their best lives. That’s why providing a secure and enriching indoor environment ensures that your cat lives a long, healthy, and happy life.

It’s never been easier to protect your cat and keep them from harm. Some simple steps to prevent disease and danger include desexing, microchipping, and harnessing, all of which are essential for their safety and well-being.

By creating a safe, stimulating, and loving indoor environment for your cuddly companion, you’re helping to ensure their health and happiness and contributing to the well-being of local wildlife and the environment.

A cat kept safe at home will live on average 10 years longer than a cat who is allowed to roam.

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Want to know HOW to keep your cat safe at home?

It can be easier and more affordable than you might think.

KCSAH web 6136

Old cats CAN learn new tricks!

Want to transition your cat to the safe-at-home life?

Free downloadable, vet approved resources

Enrichment: Help your cat live their best life at home

enrichment for your cat

How to keep your cats safe at home

how to keep your cat safe at home

Introducing your new cat to your dog

introducing you new cat to you dog

Introducing your new cat to your existing feline family

introducing your new cat to your feline family

Settling your cat into the family

settling your cat into the family

Transitioning to the safe-at-home lifestyle

transitioning to the safe at home lifestyle

What your cat needs at home

what your cat

A Guide to Harness Training Your Cat

KCSAH Info harness 1

Creating the Purrfect Haven


Do you have a safe-at-home cat already? We love to see them!

More than 50% of cats in NSW already live safe at home… Here are just a few of them to give you some motivation and inspiration! Do you have a creative catio? Have you made the most of small space? Do you have a genius cat enrichment hack? We’d love to see them and share with our cat-loving community.

Join the Cat-ch up!

Join the Cat-ch up and enjoy exclusive offers, regular campaign updates, and more information to set your home up for a happy, safe and thriving cat. Plus sign up today for your discount code.


Our mission is to prevent cruelty to animals by actively promoting their care and protection.

RSPCA NSW is a non-government organisation. As a charity, we receive less than two per cent in regular funding from the NSW Government and zero per cent from the Federal Government.