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RSPCA NSW Tax 2024 Inspector James LP Mobile

Please help our most neglected and mistreated animals this winter.

RSPCA Inspectors see some of the most heartbreaking cases of animal mistreatment and neglect you can imagine.

Our Inspectorate has brought hundreds of animals to the shelter from one single rescue operation. And when that happens, these animals often need extensive veterinary care and behaviour rehabilitation—which is only possible because of generous animal lovers like you.

Over 80% of our animals are currently in protective custody, veterinary treatment or rehabilitation following their rescue from cruelty or neglect.

inspector dog

Many of the animals coming to our shelters have complex needs because they’ve been let down by the very people they look to for love and care.

After suffering neglect and heartbreak, it can take months of intensive treatment to rebuild an animal’s confidence and trust. But it is essential for their best chance of finding a forever home where they are embraced in the arms of a loving family.

Please make your urgent tax-deductible donation before 30 June to ensure RSPCA is always here to help hurting animals.

Please give as generously as you can today, and help us save the lives of animals in need this winter. Together, we can make a difference.

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