Prosecuting to Protect Animals

Learn how you can take action to protect animals and prevent cruelty.

Protecting All Animals, Great and Small

The RSPCA NSW Inspectorate plays a crucial role in gathering evidence to support the prosecution of animal cruelty offenders

Our Inspectors take a proactive approach to addressing animal cruelty through support, education, and outreach. However, when prosecution is necessary, we take offenders before NSW courts to ensure they are held accountable.

Each year, our investigations can involve up to 1,900 animals, all relying on us to be their voice. With so many in need of protection and care, our commitment to ending cruelty is more important than ever.

96Prosecutions Commenced

In FY23-24, 96 new prosecutions commenced. Each case is a complex process that can take months or even years to finalise.

In FY23-24, we finalised 94 cruelty prosecutions, including 46 that were commenced in previous years. As a result of our efforts, 66 disqualification orders were imposed, preventing offenders from owning an animal for specific periods of time.

In FY23-24, 1,928 animals were involved in prosecution cases. While our Inspectors prioritise education and preventative support to address concerns, some situations require legal action to be taken.

Prosecution Highlight: East Lismore Man Convicted of Aggravated Cruelty After Killing Protected Snake in Nature Reserve

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