Help Lucy

Please help provide the urgent care an animal like Lucy needs Poor Lucy – she was found in terrible pain. X-rays…

Legal Implications

Putting an end to the business of cruelty. Home Legal ImplicationsLegal Implications RSPCA NSW inspectors enforce The Animal Welfare Code…

The Team

Putting an end to the business of cruelty. Home The TeamThe Team The Intensive Breeding Taskforce (IBTF) includes four full-time…

The Animals

Putting an end to the business of cruelty. Home The AnimalsThe Animals Most intensive breeding operations prioritise financial gain over…

Tip-Off Form

Putting an end to the business of cruelty. Home Tip-Off FormTip-Off Form If you have first-hand experience or information about…

The Business of Cruelty

Putting an end to the business of cruelty. Home The Business of CrueltyThe Business of Cruelty Intensive breeding facilities (also…

Donate to support our IBTF

Urgent Care Required: Bear needs your help today Bear is a 4 year old Chow Chow who came to us from an intensive breeding facility with many other…

Bear thank you

Seriously, you’ve done a great thing! Your generous donation will go towards Bear's surgery and recovery, helping him to take…