Dealing with a neighbouring dog’s excessive barking

There are few things less irritating than the sound of a neighbour’s dog that won’t stop barking. Barking is a normal behaviour of dogs. Safe to say, if there are any dogs in the neighbourhood, you may expect them to bark.  

 Problems occur for owners, neighbours, and the dog when this barking gets extreme. 

RSPCA NSW receives hundreds of noise complaints about barking dogs every year. It’s a good idea to explore ways to reach a solution before escalating it to authorities.  

 Here are some steps you can take:


Approach your neighbours  

 Working with your neighbours to find a solution is an excellent beginning step if they are approachable. Explaining the impact of the barking without becoming upset or judgemental can assist in guiding talks towards a solution.  

Even if you don’t like dogs or believe that solving the problem isn’t your responsibility, offering support, in the beginning, can encourage your neighbours to seek out an appropriate solution that will benefit all parties involved.  


Contact your local council   

 If the problem continues to persist after speaking with your neighbour, you can contact your local council. Your local council may issue a nuisance order (which incurs a fine for non-compliance) to the dog’s owner, or provide a noise abatement order from your local court. 

Put together evidence of the dogs barking whether it be recordings, neighbour’s statements or a record of how often the dog is barking. If the council officer feels your complaint warrants further investigation after reviewing the evidence, they will pay a visit to the premises where the dog is housed. 


Contact the Community Justice Centre (CJC) 

 You can call a Community Justice Centre if the situation persists (CJC). 

These government-funded yet non-profit organisations specialise in resolving disputes between neighbours through mediation, which involves meeting with the dog’s owner and a CJC representative to try to resolve the issue. This procedure is free of charge and has a high success rate. 


If you suspect cruelty submit a report to RSPCA NSW  

Inspectors from the RSPCA NSW look into complaints about animal cruelty. Contact an RSPCA inspector on (02) 9770 7555 or 1300 278 3589, or visit the RSPCA website.  

 Many complaints are handled on the scene by informing owners of their responsibilities; nevertheless, some incidents of cruelty are presented to the courts for punishment.