Hi there, I'm Alex! A sweet young puppy who's eager to find my forever home. I'm a boy who's all about energy, playfulness, and learning new things every day. I don't mind if you work average hours, as long as we have our quality time together when you're home, I promise to be the best companion you could ask for. I'm a high energy bundle of joy, which means I love to run, jump and play! I'm always ready for a new adventure and I'm hoping you'll be the one to take me on them. I'm also very sociable with my fellow canines, so if you have other dogs, I'm sure we'll get along just fine. I'm still a pup, so I'm learning about life every day and it would be great if you could help me. I'm super smart (it's a Koolie thing), so I'm sure I'll pick things up quickly.
My siblings and I were born in care and were lucky enough to spend some time in foster care. Here's what my foster family had to say about me!
Alex is playful and mischievous. He is affectionate but also loves his space. He is very clever and learns quickly. He is great with people and children and would make an excellent addition to any family.
As you can see, I'm pretty much perfect. I can't wait to meet you and show you all the love and joy I have.